Sunday, 30 November 2008

Good Citizens News

Today we had a good citizens test, Bronze & Gold. I'm pleased to say 5 out of 5 passed in the bronze and as only 1 person took the gold I am thrilled to say we had 100% pass.

Anne & Crafty


Monday, 17 November 2008

Flyball & Competitions

This weekend the Bandits raced at Newark, it was a real shame both teams didn't get to run as it is becomming very frustrating for the novice dogs, however we have managed to get into a tournament in January at Wimbledon. The Bandits put on a sterling effort for the first indoor race of the winter season and came away with 4th place. Smartie had his racing debut and didn't put a paw wrong so we were thrilled.
Yesterday we had a rather wet slippy training session, not that the dogs minded! taking things slowly with Diesel the boxer is really starting to pay off, she managed to go near perfectly and I can honestly say i actually saw a bit of speed too.. it won't be long now before she is racing. We decided that training all the dogs to run back to the bucket would be a good idea, not only will it hopefully increase their return speed but it will also look very impressive at competitions (if all else fails go for looking good!)
Clare and I are in for an early start on Saturday, I'm collecting her at 5.15am to travel up North to Preston for an agility competition. this will be maisy's first since she has had OK weaves so as long as Clare manages to keep me focused you never know what could happen, there is even a very slight chance we could come away with a clear round!! but i won't hold my breath. Clare on the other hand will more than likely come home with a hat trick of clears, making it all look so easy! you can really go off some people. I'll hopefully post some pics next week.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Discover Dogs News

Kathryn and Diesel did us proud in the Junior handling at Discovers Dogs at Earls Court on Sunday, this is only their second apprearance in the handling ring and came 4th amongst some very stiff competition. Congratulations from everyone at BB's

Monday, 3 November 2008

Newark YKC Activity Weekend

Friday Afternoon we set off to the Young Kennel Club run Activity weekend at Newark, I had been asked to train the Obedience but when we got there the Flyball trainer had broken down on the way so they asked me to step in. After setting up Camp we devoured a KFC and settled the dogs for the night. The following morning we were up early to walk the dogs, and set up the flyball ring, I had collected Paul and Diesel on the way and Kathryn and Ian had met us there, deciding to borrow a friends horsebox rather than sleeping in a tent in Novembrrrr Alice came up on Saturday morning with Smartie so everyone was anxious to get down to some training.
With Handling, heelwork to music, obedience, Agility and Flyball to choose from everyone had a great time. On saturday night there was a games night organised, we all played musical chairs, simon says and many more silly games before we braved the wind and rain back at the caravans. The weather during the night was awful, i was up 3 times to make sure the dogs were still dry in the awning, and each time was met by sleepy eye's and warm dogs. Sunday was competition day, Kathryn had entered her first ever handling class with boxer Diesel, they held their own in a very good class and although not placed on this occasion they put on a really good show. Paul, Amy and Alice were entered into the flyball competition and put up a very gallant fight coming 2nd and qualifying for Crufts 2009 and finally Amy had agreed to enter Ben and Maisy into the advanced obedience just to make up numbers, poor Ben was dragged out of retirement and went on to win the class!.. what a star. Packing up on Sunday afternoon in driving rain was a chore, but Amy had collected a Maccy D's for everyone to keep us going, it was a quiet journey home and an early night.