Monday, 29 September 2008

Club News

Saturday was the Midlands Border Collie Clubs annual Utility day, Amy and I had been invited to train the flyball section which we jumped at - although Amy decided at the last minute she actually wanted to take part with Summer so my sister came to our rescue and agreed to help me out. During the day a whole host of activites take place, Gun dog, Good Cits, Agility, Obedience, Flyball and lots more. Summer & Smartie had a go at the Bronze good Cits unfortunately, with only 10 seconds to go in his sit Stay poor Smartie was distracted by people talking and got up to make sure Alice was ok!! appart from that he would have passed!! Summer was a good girl and passed. Diesel & Paul had a go at Silver and passed (Whoop Whoop) Summer also passed most of her obedience section appart from the sit stay where she went down (it was late in the afternoon) and Diesel passed his flyball section so it was a good day.
Sunday came and after Obedience and flyball training I met up with Clare to move the Agility equipment indoors - we had help from katheryn, Ian and Anne (thanks folks) so from tonight onwards training is indoors. After the move we went to get a sneak preveiw of Annes new boxer Puppy, Mitch and Tony allowed us to spend an hour happily playing with the whole litter in the garden as well as a very nice Gin & tonic!! - we all fell in love with the gorgeous Pups and can't wait to start the training... watch this space for more Bouncing Boxer pics.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Bromsgrove Update

Well we all had a brilliant time at Bromsgrove, the weather has delightful and the company even better. Jess and Katheryn came away with another 2 clear rounds, the placings are only a short way off now, we have been saying for a while what a lovely consistant little dog she is and yet again she has proved us correct. Clare and Charlie had a clear round and a 10th place, he is such a deceptive dog, in the ring he looks quite slow compared to the collies but he has such length of stride he is able to cover so much ground even if he does make his mum work for every step of the way! and the lovely Chappie had a clear in alsorts.

Both Amy and Ellen had slightly less success and had a few near misses between them, I think Dylan and Hamish must have had one too many the night before as neither of them were really on form. Anne and Crafty are really coming on and Anne's handling improves each time I see her, Crafty continues to test Anne at every opportunity but with a bit of Obedience help over the winter I think next season will give them both the results they are looking for. And lastly Maisy!! well what can I say - I think it's fair to say i saw a few glimpses of hope, we actually had some control, I think bystanders may have argued with that statement but all those that know us agreed it to be true so I am going to cling onto that..... she was faced with a wall and a gate in her jumping class, lots of dogs were spooking but she just took them in her stride - she's still the best dog in the world, good job shes cute!! and lastly baby Summer was measured She's a large dog, well over the midi height which is good news as those midi courses are a bit tricky!!

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Brilliant Boxers

What a fantastic day one of our very special boxers had today! Anne & Crafty attended the Boxer show and attempted their first obedience competition, after heel on lead, heel free, recal and stays they came 2nd WOW WEEEEE we are so proud of the two of you (photo's to follow). talking of boxers, Ian and Diesel were brilliant at flyball training today, for the first time she managed to do the whole course and retrieve a ball instead of just getting a sweetie at the box, I am so pleased we took it slowly with this little girl, our hard work is paying off, she is a brilliant flyball dog in the making.
Off boxers for a moment, everyone who attended flyball today worked really well, our training field has stood up really well to the horrendous weather we have had, and we have some very special dogs nearly ready for competition, just a few mentions-Jess (esp) always going to be a steady dog, but very consistent, not much will phase her, she is a pleasure to train. Rags, had a blip today after a good few weeks off, I think it was just an excuse for a cuddle.. Willow, my big yellow custard (GR) mum, as always she is having a ball, keep up the good work.Doug & Jesse, nothing to say, brilliant as always - thanks for your ongoing support, and finally Smartie, You have so much potential, I wish you would stop giving Alice suce a hard time!! all I can say is "it's agood job your so damn cute!!!"

Monday, 1 September 2008

Agility training in the rain

Well, we all have competitions coming up so last night Clare put us through our paces with lots of control work! not so easy with a mental collie!! still everyone else did really well and it was lovely to see, all the dogs settle into their work and really start to listen.