Sunday, 7 September 2008

Brilliant Boxers

What a fantastic day one of our very special boxers had today! Anne & Crafty attended the Boxer show and attempted their first obedience competition, after heel on lead, heel free, recal and stays they came 2nd WOW WEEEEE we are so proud of the two of you (photo's to follow). talking of boxers, Ian and Diesel were brilliant at flyball training today, for the first time she managed to do the whole course and retrieve a ball instead of just getting a sweetie at the box, I am so pleased we took it slowly with this little girl, our hard work is paying off, she is a brilliant flyball dog in the making.
Off boxers for a moment, everyone who attended flyball today worked really well, our training field has stood up really well to the horrendous weather we have had, and we have some very special dogs nearly ready for competition, just a few mentions-Jess (esp) always going to be a steady dog, but very consistent, not much will phase her, she is a pleasure to train. Rags, had a blip today after a good few weeks off, I think it was just an excuse for a cuddle.. Willow, my big yellow custard (GR) mum, as always she is having a ball, keep up the good work.Doug & Jesse, nothing to say, brilliant as always - thanks for your ongoing support, and finally Smartie, You have so much potential, I wish you would stop giving Alice suce a hard time!! all I can say is "it's agood job your so damn cute!!!"

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