Saturday, 11 October 2008

Flyball Training

This morning we were a bit thin on the ground as quite a few of our regulars had entered a starters competition at Portway with Douglas. I decieded the dogs I had were more than ready to train without netting and as you can see we had a great time.

Tomorrow the Bandits are competing, so Jo brought Ronny,and the rest of the Mali's over for a practice, we started off with the babies, Summer and Kody, they are really starting to shape up nicely, our only trouble is that at this stage they are more interested in playing with each other than concentrating on cross overs, but their first competition isn't until January so we have plenty of time to practice. Then we got down to the serious stuff, we have a new running order of Keisha, Maisy, Ronny and lastly Dylan, hopefully this will give the two novice dogs a big enough gap between them and will both have the confidence fromthe more experienced dog.. lets keep our fingers crossed for a PB tomorrow.

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